Iron sharpens iron

Working towards building a human-centered society celebrating and leveraging our diverse cultures, experiences, voices, family, and beliefs/faith

Our Visionary Squad

  • Ruth V. Frierson

    I am Mestiza by Mercy, Brown by Birth, Bilingual by Choice, and Unapologetic by Grace. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and created for this message, this movement, and this moment. I am informed by my professional and personal lived experiences as an Equity Fellow, a Program Manager, a Servant of Community, a Veteran, and Author. The CEO and Founder of TCYK.

  • Leanne Lytle

    Systems Consultant

  • Jennifer Murphy-James

    Community Consultant

  • Michelle Hungerford

    Strategy Consultant

  • Dr. Kimberly Lemite

    Psychologist and Community Consultant

  • Valerie K. Manu

    Marketing Consultant

  • Levi James

    Youth Community Consultant

  • Ra'Queal J. Covington

    Faith Consultant

  • Megan Phillips

    Community Expert